Page 3 - October 2021 Track N Times
P. 3


            The Day-T o -Day Challenge of Machine Upkeep

            By:  Tyler Beebe, Manager Ballast and Grade

          Loram fleet operations is tasked with a tall order.    on.  All  lists  are  not  created  equal.  In  order to  truly
          Not only do we need to operate safely, in a highly     stay  on  top  off  the  numerous  requirements,  there
          stressful environment, but we also need to repeat      needs to be a variety of lists. Maintenance lists, defec-
          that  daily  while  keeping  complex  machines  main-  tive  parts  lists,  parts  to  be  ordered  lists,  pre-
          tained at a high level. Much of the fleet personnel    movement  lists,  inspection  lists.  Loram  has  these
          act as mentors, operators, and maintainers. A lack     types  of  documents  available  for  each  machine  plat-
          of focus in any one area can be detrimental to our     form,  but  how  often  are  they  internalized,  under-
          crew safety, our machine availability, and our well-   stood, and utilized by the entire crew? Given the gen-
          deserved reputation of being the best of the best in   eral theme of “never being enough time in a day”, eve-
          railroad contracted services.                          ry machine could use added emphasis on what is truly
          For myself, my machine visits in 2021 have been a      needed  every  day  to  execute  high  level  operational
          shift from learning the on-track operations, as I was   excellence. I challenge all machines to get the entire
          often on production shifts, to focusing on the ma-     crew involved in these discussions, not just the super-
          chine  condition  itself.  Each  machine  visit  is  now   intendent and crew chiefs having visibility. Every ma-
          accompanied  with  a  complete  machine  audit.  A     chine  has  a  preventative  maintenance  manual.  Print
          common  theme  I  see  is  a  lot  of  small  broken/  out  copies  and  go  over  with  the  crew.  Unexpected
          incorrect  items  (broken  outlet  covers,  zip  ties  to   failures  can  again  distract  from  the  smaller  items.
          replace hose clamps, missing safety signs and gate     Know  the  maintenance  manual  and  actually  plan  to
          springs, burned out lights, etc.) which could take an   complete the maintenance at regular intervals to avoid
          hour or two to fix, but when combined with all the     distractions  and  prevent  an  ever-growing  list.  Assis-
          other defective items can turn into a daunting ef-     tant  Managers  should  be helping  crews  plan  and  un-
          fort requiring days or weeks to fix them all. Loram    derstand  these  preventative  maintenance  jobs  while
          leadership  knows  the  physical  and  mental  stress   visiting machines.
          that operational shifts put on the crew. At the end    Zone  Attack:    Having a maintenance regime where
          of a long day, the machine needs to be ready for       the  entire  crew  focuses  on  one  area  until  it’s  done,
          the next shift, and crews will focus on those areas,   then goes on to the next task, will surely lead to not
          while the smaller items are deprioritized and often    having  enough  time  to  complete  everything  and  get
          forgotten due to there “never being enough time”.      ahead. A well-known productivity strategy is to break
          Below are some points to help us “find” more time      tasks  down  into  simpler  parts.  We  can  apply  that
          using organization, knowledge, and prioritization.     strategy with zone cleaning/focus. One crew member

                                  Make  a  List:   I know        is responsible for blow downs, one crew member is
                                  most of the  machines I        responsible  for  cleaning  cabs  and  office,  one  crew
                                  visit have some type of        member is responsible for greasing, one crew mem-
                                  maintenance list written       ber is responsible for tool clean up and organization.
                                  on a white board. A list       These responsibilities can rotate on a given time inter-
                                  is  only  effective  if  it  is   val.  Beyond  that,  have  overall  ‘car’  responsibility,
                                  updated daily and items        where one person is     responsible  for  inspecting
                                  are actually coming OFF        a car (work car, sup-   port car, loader car, grind
                                  the  list,  not  just  going   car) daily for burned   out  lights,  broken  electri-
                                                                 Continued Page 2
                                                                                                     OCTOBER 2021
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