Page 23 - December 2021 Track N Times
P. 23
You have all heard of the saying, “what goes in, must come out?” The same is
true for greasing. If you fill a bushing cavity or bearing with grease the excess
must go somewhere right? The answer is Yes. Most Loram bushings have a re-
lief fitting which looks very similar to grease or zerk fitting, minus the spring and
check ball, for excess grease to exit. If there is no relief, the grease will exit
somewhere from the component being greased. Once grease exits from the re-
lief fitting, bearing or component, that is a good indication that it is adequately
Recently a grind buggy was damaged due to the tow bar system not having adequate grease, however work
order records revealed that the tow bar was greased the day prior. Makes you wonder if the person as-
signed that job was given proper work instruction? Did they know the importance of the job assigned or
did they just flat out not know how to grease? The next time you hand a grease gun to the new person,
take some time, show them how to grease, explain the importance of each component, follow up with
them frequently, check for understanding. Just telling them to put the nozzle on the fitting and pump or
pull the handle on the grease bucket is not good enough. Make sure they understand the importance of
job they have been assigned.
Here are some simple greasing guidelines:
• Wipe the gun tip and fitting before application.
• Inspect the grease fitting to ensure it is not leaking or defective. Replace defective or damaged
• When delivering grease, never hold the nozzle onto the grease fitting when pumping grease
with the grease lever.
• Be conscious of the risk of over pressurization and do not force the lever arm if there is strong
back pressure.
• When grease delivery is completed wipe the gun tip after application.
• Once you’ve finished the required greasing of your components, the final step is housekeeping.
• Keep guns clean and avoid laying them on dirty surfaces. Keep grease guns covered when not in