Page 21 - December 2021 Track N Times
P. 21
Congratulations to the following employees who received a promo-
tion in November!
Jamel Mims was promoted to Superintendent.
Terrence Anderson was promoted to Assistant Superintendent.
Christopher Real was promoted to Maintenance Superintendent.
Trevon Thompson was promoted to Maintenance Specialist 1.
Lee Walpole, Jacob Sisco, Lee Walpole, Cameron Jenkins, Michael Williams, Chad Shellenberger, Cody
Brice, and Landon Titsworth were promoted to Machine Operator-2.
Michael Bailey, Randy Hornesbuger, Mathew Daniels, Nathan Legg, Domingo Lopez, Daniel Hernandez,
Antwan Bellamy and LeManul Jackson were promoted to Machine Operator-1.
By Jeff Leadstrom, Manager Fleet Maintenance
Let’s face it, greasing is not the most exciting task at Lo-
ram. All too often it’s taken for granted, anyone can grab
a grease gun and “grease” the machine, right? This task is
usually assigned to a newer, or the newest crew member
of the machine. More than likely this individual has never
held or used a grease gun. I know my first day at Loram I
became very good friends with the grease bucket, by the
end of the shift I think I had more grease on myself than in
the machine. Top it off with the fact that there a lot of
grease fittings on our equipment. An average grind car has
over 200 grease fittings. It’s a dirty, repetitive, and some-
times an endless job that we assign to individuals that
more than likely have never done it before.