Page 3 - November 2020 Track N Times
P. 3


                    We Are Railroaders!

         By  Tyler Beebe, Manager Ballast and Grade

         Whenever  I  meet  someone  new,  and  the  topic  of  careers
         presents  itself  into  the  conversation,  people’s  ears  usually
         perk  up  when  I  tell  them  “I  am  in  the  Railroad  Industry”.
         There  is  a  certain  mystique  and  excitement  that  can  bring
         people back to their childhood or own experiences of seeing
         the impressive network of rail structure and machinery that
         deliver  the  nations  goods  and  people  across  the  US.  Every
         federal education curriculum touches on the fact that the rail-
         roads  were  the  backbone  of  our  great  country’s  expansion
         into the West, which linked the Pacific and Atlantic coasts together, providing the early freedom of movement neces-
         sary for citizen migration into the unknown frontier. Railroads are just as important today as they were in 1800’s, and
         we should all be proud we get the privilege to be a part of the select few percent of our population that get to make
         a career out of it.

         As a military veteran, I see a lot of parallels in our profession compared to serving in any branch of the armed ser-
         vices. We are highly trained, we work as a team, we follow a chain of command, and we must be dedicated to ac-
         complishing missions that are filled with risk but are critical to our nation’s success. We may not be running into bat-
         tlefields or firing weapons of war, but each day we must execute our mission with precision and skill. We watch each
         other’s backs, we have a voice in our safety, and we do so with the constant strive for perfection and improvement. I
         would say we are the closest profession to the military in the private sector. You see that with the relatively high
         percentage of veterans at Loram and across the railroad industry as a whole.

         As professionals in an elite industry, it is our duty to be the best of the best. Everyone that works in our operating
         fleet had to go through a rigorous screening process to be determined that they make the cut, like the military. Use
         that confidence to really dig deep into the rules and nuances of our day to day operation. We need to know as much
         as we can, not only about our specific role, but also the roles of teams that surround us.  Superintendents know what
         track and time, track authority, limits, call times, timetables are, but do the general laborers know what those are?

                                                          How can we be professionals if we are simply repeating words
                                                          from our supervisors, and not truly understanding what they
                                                          are and how they affect our mission? Every day is considered a
                                                          success if you learn something new. Find a way to develop that
                                                          thirst for knowledge. The best piece of advice I got as a young
                                                          cadet was “as soon as you embrace this as a lifestyle, and not
                                                          just a job, you will be okay”. We are all part of a unique and
                                                          important company that has a high impact on the railroad in-
                                                          dustry success. This perspective is something that unites all of
                                                          us in a bond that lasts beyond the “working day”. Stay safe and
                                                          let’s close out 2020 continuing to show we are the best of the

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