Page 7 - November 2020 Track N Times
P. 7
Tips and Tricks Replay by Dawn Nelson, Field Relations Coordinator
Setting up folders in your email is a great way to stay organized. When you’re in your email in the left hand column
put your mouse cursor over the Inbox – right click and click on New Folder. It will ask you to name the folder.
After you type the name in click OK. Once you’ve done that you can drag the email from your list of emails into
the folder. This is a great way to keep topics/people organized in your in-box.
Congratulations to the following employees on their October promotion!
Shawn Mettler was promoted to Crew Chief
Thomas Kitchens was promoted to Machine Operator-2
David Patterson was promoted to Machine Operator-1
Valentino Counsel was promoted to Maintenance Specialist 2
Amarily Ramirez and Travon Scott were promoted to Maintenance Specialist 1
Page 5 NOVEMBER 2020