Page 9 - November 2020 Track N Times
P. 9
Operational Excellence Coins
Congratulations to the following for being
recognized with an Operational Excellence
Director’s Coin for the Third Quarter
Calvin Gandy, Superintendent Rail Inspection
was nominated by Scott Diercks for the Directors
Coin Rail Grinding for Quarter 3, 2020
If you have ever met Calvin Gandy, you will know that he is a worker. In
the position of rail inspection superintendent hard worker may not come
to mind right off the bat, but its paramount in order to have success in
the position. Efficient inspecting, planning days and sometimes weeks pri-
or to work taking place, and the intangibles in between that can make the
work go smooth, or in some cases like pulling teeth. For Calvin, when the
boots get laced up, it’s go time. Intense, efficient, and professional are
what you get from Calvin every single day. For those privileged enough to
know Calvin personally, there is no argument that his dedication to Lo-
ram and the customers always comes first.
Calvin inspects with RIV18 on the CSX railroad. His value to the CSX
grinding program is extremely important to the program’s success, and
when the customers take note of that it only reinforces what we already
know about Calvin and his skillset. On a recent call with the CSX rail-
road, Dan Hampton stated Calvin sets the standard for RIV superinten-
dents, and to please not take Calvin away from the CSX! Mr. Hampton
was reassured that Calvin would continue working on the CSX, and it
was reinforced by both parties the tremendous value Calvin adds every day he is in the RIV.
Calvin exemplifies many of the ICARE values everyday he is at work, but none more than Integrity First. Calvin does
not believe in doing things anyway but by the book. If he sees a defect that he missed, he will stop the RIV and go back
to take a photo and make a note for the grind plan. When Calvin is communicating with the customer, he always
shows the utmost respect and builds upon his already strong relationships he has made throughout his career. The
attention to detail and his drive to always do the right thing is why he is the recipient of the Directors Coin of Opera-
tional Excellence for the third quarter of 2020. Calvin helps to build the Loram brand through his continued hard
work, immense knowledge of rail inspection, and the professionalism he brings to work every single day the boots are
laced up. Great job Calvin!
Calvin also received high praise from Daniel Hampton, Manager contract services with the CSX Railroad.
Excellent news! Calvin absolutely deserves recognition. I am honored to have him working on CSX and truly believe
he is making a difference for improving rail quality on CSX. His attention to detail, dedication and experience are ap-
preciated. I’m glad to see he received the formal recognition. Congratulations!!