Page 8 - November 2020 Track N Times
P. 8


          Operational Excellence Coins

          Congratulations to the following for being
          recognized with an Operational Excellence
          Director’s Coin for the Second Quarter.

         Justin Putman, Machine Operator-2, RG417 was nominated by Scott Diercks for the Directors Coin
         Rail Grinding for Quarter 2, 2020

                                                                                Justin  Putman  (center)  receiving  his
                                                                                Directors coin from Supervisor Brett
                                                                                Trower  and Assistant Manager Sam-
                                                                                my Pickett.

         If you have ever had the pleasure of meeting Justin Putman, otherwise known as half mile, you would know right away how much  he
         enjoys operating. As the primary operator of RG417 you can find him sitting in the operator’s chair most days, calling out mile post after
         mile post, while adding pass miles to the odometer. Sixty, seventy, and eighty-mile days don’t get Justin excited as much these days as the
         one hundred-mile days, but he treats every single day the same when he is in the chair. Attention to detail, machine control, and safe op-
         erating are always consistent whether it is the first hour of his first day back at work after time off, or the last shift of the year before
         In 2020 alone, Justin stopped RG417 short of misaligned switches on four separate occasions! Each occasion he stopped short he pro-
         tected the equipment, the customers property, and most importantly kept his crew safe. Justin utilizes the Know Before You Go stand-
         ards of Loram’s life changing decisions every time he is operating, and it was crystal clear these standards were used on each one of these
         incidents.  While these close calls were just another day at the office for Justin, it is apparent that when he is in the operators seat the
         Norfolk Southern Railroad and crew of RG417 are in good hands.
         An operator like Justin does not come along very often, and because of this he deserves recognition as being the recipient of the Direc-
         tors coin of Excellence. Justin lives the ICARE values day in and day out, and every time he steps foot on a grinder, he brings his A
         game. We are all incredibly proud of Justin for his efforts, and Loram is lucky to have him part of the team, and especially in the opera-
         tor’s seat. Let’s all show Justin the appreciation and gratitude that he deserves and wish him the best of luck for the rest of 2020 and be-
         yond! Great job Half Mile!

         VOLUMN 1 : ISSUE 6                                                                                 Page 6
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