Page 10 - November 2020 Track N Times
P. 10
Operational Excellence Coins
Congratulations to the following employee
for being recognized with an Operational
Excellence Coin!
Richard A. Kopka, Senior Technician was
nominated in September by Tyson
Brownlee, Assistant Manager Rail Grind-
It was an early Sunday morning in September
when the call came in that RG414 had a fire,
burning up the bus cables between grind car 4
and the water car. Rich was at home, but he
quickly packed up his truck and headed out the
door. Arriving at the machine that night to in-
vestigate and game plan on the needed repairs.
Rich, working with the machine crew and OV
crew had the machine prepped ready for new
cables in 12 hours. Once all the parts arrived,
he was able to lead the team in getting the re-
pairs made in two days. This was a very fast Pictured Above, Rich Kopka Right with Paul Hettinger
turnaround for a project of this size, and while
all team members involved in this work played
a part in the success, Rich truly lead the efforts
and was without a doubt the hardest working
person on site each day! Thank you, Rich for
everything you do to keep these machines
working, we appreciate you!
Burleigh R. Allen, Superintendent RGS14 was nominated in October by Zebediah Dintelman,
Assistant Manager Rail Grinding
I would like to give my October Operational Excellence Coin to Burleigh Allen for his exceptional leadership,
customer focus, and resilience while working with RGS14 on Keolis. Will Scopa, Track Geometry Engineer-
Asset Manager for Keolis Commuter Services in Massachusetts took the time to send me a message compli-
menting Burleigh for being a fantastic chief for his machine and requested he be assigned to their project next
VOLUMN 1 : ISSUE 6 Page 8