Page 15 - November 2020 Track N Times
P. 15


          Vehicle Incident Prevention (V.I.P.) By Zebediah Dintelman, Manager Rail Grinding

                                                     In early 2016 Loram rolled out what is now known as V.I.P, one of our
                                                     core In-Gaged initiatives, to combat common vehicular based inci-
                                                     dents.  V.I.P. consist of 4 main categories: Stay Awake, DOT Compli-
          ance, Backing, and Defensive Driving.

          Interesting Driving Statistics Related to V.I.P.
          Stay Awake:
             It is estimated that in 2017, 91,000 police-reported crashes involved drowsy drivers. These crashes led to an esti-
             mated 50,000 people injured and nearly 800 deaths. (NHTSA, 2019) (Source:
             5% of all crashes involved drowsy drivers, based on the portion of time the drivers' eyes were closed in the
             minutes before a crash. The portion grows to 10.8% in more severe crashes. (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety,
             2016) (Source:
          DOT Compliance:
             Truck drivers log 432 billion miles annually. (Business Insider, 2016) (Source:
             Over 60% of backover accidents involve a truck or SUV. (, 2018) (Source: https://driving-
          Driving Defensive
             Speed-related crashes cost Americans $40.4 billion each year. (Insurance Information Institute, 2019)
             Texting while driving increases the risk of crashing by 23 times. (NHTSA, 2018) (Source:

          Loram’s Operating Rules Related to V.I.P.
          15.7(B) - LORAM drivers must: Operate LORAM Vehicles in a safe manner and not exceed posted speeds regardless
          of the urgency or importance of the trip.
          15.14 - Backup alarms, on LORAM Vehicles so equipped, must be functional at all times.
          15.16 - Whenever possible, LORAM Vehicles should be parked so that its first move will be forward.
          15.16(B) - When possible, have someone guide backing movements that cannot be avoided.
          15.22(A) - Employees who have been assigned a LORAM vehicle are responsible for its proper service and mainte-
          15.4 - Employees are subject to and must follow the Loram Driving Policy.
          16.11 - Cell phones must not be used when use would interfere with the employee's or another employee's safety.
          16.16 - When driving a LORAM Vehicle, drivers are prohibited from:
                 (a) Texting, emailing or reading and sending any other electronic messages;
                 (b) Placing or taking phone calls other than by hands-free operation;
                 (c) Using a cell phone in any way that requires the driver to look at the screen, including using GPS, contact
                 lists, calendars, browsing the internet, playing games, or using apps;
                 (d) Using an electronic device in any way prohibited by law; and
                 (e) Sitting on a road shoulder to use a cell phone.

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