Page 3 - October 2020 Track N Times
P. 3
ICARE VALUES – For All You (We) Do
By Tom Browne, Director Field Service
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the world and how it
functions. First and foremost, it is a human and social crisis, disrupting lives
and affecting millions of people. It has also had significant and continuing
impact on businesses and the economy. Coupled with the political turmoil and
unrest in the United States and it’s no wonder that people are stressed and uncer-
tain of the future. Times like these, frightening as they are, can help us to focus
our priorities.
A priority at Loram is the application of our CORE VALUES in all we do. Regard-
less of what’s happening around us, the ICARE values provide a framework for our
actions and remain a constant, even in these crazy times.
“Integrating our CORE VALUES into everything we do and every decision we make ensures that in the ever-changing
world, our organization remains stable and successful.”
What is a value?
Many people think that values are morals or ethics; they’re not. Values are what is important to us and what gives
us purpose. Just as organizations have values, individual people do too. Values reflect who we are on a daily basis, in
everything we do at home and at work. This holistic approach helps us be a leader in all aspects of our life, includ-
ing our careers.
Why do I need to integrate the Loram ICARE values in my actions?
Values give us our sense of purpose. When we align with our values on a daily basis, we have more energy and feel
more fulfilled because we are leading from what we find important. When we don’t align with our values, we feel
less engaged and become less motivated about our daily life, which reflects in our actions.
Picture a tree. Values are the roots that keep us grounded in what’s important to us. The strength of our values
determines the strength of the trunk, branches, leaves and fruit. A person with strong values supports the organiza-
tional culture, just as a strong tree supports the surrounding environment.
“We understand having a constant and consistent approach to our work, as well as how we interact with our customers, will
enable us to achieve the desired results and success.”
What are the five Loram ICARE Values?
Integrity First
Upholding expectations at all times, honorable and trustworthy, always able to stand proud.
Do you do the right thing even when nobody is watching?
Customer Focus
Attentive, devoted, committed to solving any problems by finding and providing the solutions.
Have you tried treating everyone like a customer? Continued Page 2