Page 11 - MMR Research General Creds - Chinese
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 发挥品牌及产品竞争优势  MMR DELIVERS A CLASS          We are endorsed by our global
         SCIENCE TOOLS AND                  client base for our agility, technical    Advanced Stats & Analytics
                                            expertise and willingness to adapt
         APPROACHES, MANY OF                research solutions to directly focus
                                            on specifi c client challenges
         WHICH ARE PROPRIETARY.                                                      Automation  & Programming
 Defining  Early Rules of
 Identifying  emotional and   Success  to generate a   Holistic approach  to   Advanced  range analysis   Gold standard  approach
 functional opportunity areas   Working with consumers   Defining  Early Rules of   packaging validation   Advanced  range analysis   Gold standard  approach  –
 Holistic approach  to  to
 and portfolio
 Identifying  emotional and
 to optimisation
 product/  pack brief
 Success  to generate a  to
 for NPD and framework for   Working with consumers   uniquely  deliver  key brand   packaging validation  to   management tool  to   to optimisation  –  Bespoke online survey design
 optimise shopper
 functional opportunity areas
 maximising appeal  and
 and portfolio
 iteratively  to take an
 product/  pack brief  to
 maximise sales
 for NPD and framework for   idea to a concept  rapidly  equities  through  sensory   influence  and brand   management tool  to   maximising appeal  and   我们在全球拥有26为资深的数据科
 optimise shopper
 brand  fit with targeted
 iteratively  to take an
 development  idea to a concept  rapidly  uniquely  deliver  key brand   influence  and brand   maximise sales   brand  fit with targeted
 sensory direction
 equities  through  sensory
 assets  engagement  opportunity  sensory direction                                        Data specialists
 Ideation  Concept   Product   Pack   Activation   Launch   Post-launch   Reformulation
 Ideation  Concept   Product   Pack   Activation   Launch   review   Reformulation
 review                                                        SOME OF THE CORE AREAS WE WORK IN:
                                                          Product development           Consumer classifi cation
                                                              & optimisation                & segmentation
 We’ve invested in new
 technology to allow you to                              Forecasting & predictive         Launch: price, pack &
 get closer to your consumers                                    modelling               promotional optimisation
 – getting more from quant   An online community allows you to
 fi eldwork, enabling both   co-create with consumers - enhancing and
 faster and deeper   improving your innovation cycle; enabling
 understanding through a                                    Client consultancy            Core statistical tools
 more collaborative approach  you to be faster to market, deliver better
 products and provide cost effi  ciencies.
 By putting consumers at the very heart of
 your business, you’ll be better placed to                       Conjoint               Choice based forecasting
 create products that truly resonate with   Discover how an MMR online community
 your target audience  helped build a new brand on page 20
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