Page 9 - The House Fire
P. 9

The House Fire

         I  was  startled  by  my  brother’s  shouts  and  I

         accidentally  knocked  over  the  candleholder,

         causing it to drop on the black and white polka dot

         curtain. I was horrified.

         Michael burst through the door. He stopped in his
         tracks, shock written all over his face.

         “Evan, get out of here now!” Michael screamed.

         Just  then,  Elizabeth  came  to  see  what  the

         commotion was about. Michael tried to put out the

         fire but it was spreading rapidly. Elizabeth and I ran
         outside. She grabbed her cellphone and dialed 911.

         As soon as we got outside, we saw Michael running

         through the back door. He fell to the ground and

         was coughing uncontrollably. I was horrified.

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