Page 1 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 4 - Perspectives and Themes revisited 15Oct2021
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Committed to

               Our People…

               Shaping Our


             Volume 1 / Issue 4                                                              15 October 2021

                                             STRATEGIC THEMES AND PERSPECTIVES:

                      VISION                 WHAT ARE THEY AND WHY ARE THEY USED?

              A digitally transformed

                enterprise providing         Strategic Themes
                quality, relevant and
                globally recognised
                                             Strategic  themes  represent  the  main,  high-level  focus  areas  of  the
               educational services.         organisation’s strategy and answer the question: “In what key areas must

                                             we excel in delivering high value to our customers and stakeholders?”

                                             These “pillars of excellence,” as they are sometimes called, are used to

                    MISSION                  focus staff effort on accomplishing the vision – i.e., the desired future
                                             state of the organisation – by breaking it down into more operational
              We develop the human           terms.  They apply to every part of the organisation and define the areas
              capital of our Caribbean       in which the organisation must excel in order to achieve its vision. As
                  people through             such, if the answer to this question: “Did we excel in the four identified
              partnerships for global        areas at the end of the year, 2025?” is a resounding “Yes,” then we would

                  competitiveness.           have achieved our vision.

                                             Associated with each theme is a strategic result. These results define the
                                             themes’ desired outcomes or goals and serve to indicate how we will
                                             know success within the respective themes. They are measured through
                CORE VALUES                  the key performance indicators.

               1.  Results Oriented          For our current strategic plan, our four areas of focus and the results we
               2.  Professionalism           hope to achieve by the end of the 2025 through the implementation of
               3.  Excellence                various initiatives/projects/activities are shown in Table 1.
               4.  Customer Focus
               5.  Teamwork

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