Page 5 - My Lovely Island In the Sun
P. 5

My Lovely Island in the Sun

          In my  village  there  is  music  at  every corner  you

          turn  but  my  favourite  is  sweet  steel  pan  music.
          I live very close to the pan house of a steel band

          called  Pan  Wizards  of  which  I  am  a  member.

          The juniors, like myself, are called the Wizz Kids.

          I love pan because it’s an instrument that can play
          all  different  types  of  music  and  I  wake  up  to

          music everyday. Pan and music play a big role in

          Carnival  which  is  the  main  cultural  event  in  my

          country.  In  Grenada,  carnival  is  called  Spicemas

          and it is held in the second week in August every


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