Page 8 - When Bad Turns Good
P. 8

When Bad Turns to Good

         Hours passed and our bellies started to grumble

         and rumble making sounds like an active volcano
         waiting  to  explode.  Hunger  was  taking  over  our

         excitement.  “Did  you  guys  hear  that?”  Kenisha

         giggled, “It’s time to eat!”

         We laughed joyously and again raced to our bags
         to  get  out  our  money  to  buy  something  to  eat.

         Kenisha  took  out  her  money  and  so  did  Francis

         and  they  both  go  ahead  to  the  store  while

         I  looked  for  the  money  I  had  put  in  my  pants

         pocket  before  leaving  home.  “Meet  us  there,”
         Kenisha shouted from a distance.

         After  searching  in  every  compartment  of  my

         knapsack  I  realized  that  my  pants  were  missing

         and  with  all  my  money!  I  retraced  my  steps  but
         I  could  not  find  them.  Then,  when  I  looked  out

         towards the water, I saw them sweetly floating in

         the  distance!  I  would  have  gone  for  them  but

         knew  that  I  couldn’t  swim  so  far  away  into  the

         deep blue sea through such strong waves.

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