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               The  Caribbean  region  has  a  high  vulnerability  to  the  effects  of  climate  change,  increasing
               electricity consumption, and a widening demand-supply gap, especially in many urban areas,
               increasing sustainable energy production, delivery, and use. Renewable energy applications and
               energy efficiency measures can provide powerful opportunities for CARIFORUM Member States
               to  reduce  their  fuel  consumption.   This  can  improve energy  security,  lessen  dependence  on
               imported  fuels,  reduce  electricity  prices,  promote  clean  economic  growth,  and  improve  the

               quality  of  life  for  citizens.  Critically  too,  it  allows  the  region  to  make  an  effort  towards  the
               mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and can provide a basis for improving the resilience of
               key sectors to the effects of climate change.

               The increasing demand for sustainable energy and energy efficiency services has positioned the
               need for such appropriate skill sets to be developed and available regionally. The Caribbean
               Examinations Council® has a critical role to play in this regard given its “reputation of providing
               syllabuses which reflect the tenants of the Ideal Caribbean Citizen and support the tenets of
               UNESCO  Pillars  of  Learning  for  Sustainable  Development  (Caribbean  Examinations  Council,
               2020).”  Moreover, across the Community,  the CXC® credential  also  serves as a foundational
               prerequisite for entry into higher level certifications at the graduate and post-graduate level.

               Moreover, given the dynamic nature of knowledge, the organisation in seeking to deliver on its
               mandate, is therefore very keen on continuously updating and improving its syllabus to ensure
               that  it  provides  the  Caribbean  region  with  qualifications  that  are  of  the  highest  quality  and
               relevance.  The  increasing  importance  of  sustainable  energy  to  the  economic  and  social
               development of the CARICOM member states has positioned the need for the mainstreaming of
               “greening” content across the educational syllabuses and curriculum of the Caribbean region.
               Thus,  the  strategy  of  the  CXC®  is  to  build  upon  the  successes  achieved  under  the  REETA
               programme  through  the  mainstreaming  of  “greening”  learning  concepts  into  the  new  and

               existing syllabus of the organisation at the CSEC® and CAPE® levels.  An important aspect of the
               ‘greening’ process is strengthening teacher training capacity to effectively support the delivery
               of  these  new  learning  concepts.    Therefore,  the  e-learning  modules  and  learning  guide  was
               developed for teachers to support and enhance the delivery of sustainable energy content in the
               educational syllabuses and curriculum of the Caribbean region.

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