P. 46


               Field Interview of an Entrepreneur

               Candidates must interview an entrepreneur and produce a written report and an oral presentation
               (PowerPoint ® presentation may be used to augment the report).    The Case Study report should not
               exceed 1,500 words and must be presented as outlined on pages 42-43.  The presentation will be
               made to the teacher and peers in the class setting.

               Interview Report:

               Students will interview an entrepreneur based on the following guidelines.

               It would be preferable that the selected entrepreneurs have ventures that have been in operation for
               at least five years and have employees.  This assignment is designed to provide the opportunity for
               students to explore different types of business or industry, to begin to develop an entrepreneurial
               mindset and to develop a professional network in the field if they think they would like to be a part of

               This  should  also  show  the  assimilation  of  their  coursework.  Candidates  are  encouraged  to  seek
               permission to record the interview using relevant technology (audio visuals, still pictures). More than
               one face to face meeting with the entrepreneur to capture sufficient information may be needed, so
               plan ahead!

               Content of the Interview Report

               1.      Name and description of the venture.

               2.      Background of the entrepreneur prior to starting the venture.

               3.      Characteristics of the entrepreneur.

               4.      Origin of the venture (why was it started?).

               5.      Industry and market description.

               6.      Key historical events in the start and existence of the venture.

               7.      Present state of the venture.

               8.      Major present and future challenges and emerging opportunities.

               9.      Analytical questions for the reader to use as they conduct the interview.

               10.     How findings impact student’s attitudes, behaviour and inspiration towards venture

               11.     Conclude  with  a  presentation  reflecting  on  what  you  learned  from  the  experience  of
                       interviewing the entrepreneur and researching and writing the interview report.

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