P. 45

(e)    allow  students  to  analyse  business  information  gathered  and  make  practical
                              decisions; and,

                       (f)    explore more fully, some areas of the Unit which may not be assessed adequately in
                              an external examination.

               Essentially the group mark will be out of a total of 50.  Candidates would individually be assigned
               up to 10 marks for their presentations.

               Skills to be assessed

                1.  Knowledge and Understanding:        candidate’s  ability  to  demonstrate  knowledge  and
                                                        understanding of the objectives being assessed in the

                2.  Application:                        candidate’s   ability   to   collect,   classify   and
                                                        communicate information.

                3.  Analysis:                           candidate’s ability to distinguish relationships among
                                                        components of the business environment.

                4.  Evaluation and Reasoned             candidate’s ability to interpret, make judgement and
                    Judgement:                          recommendations appropriate to the business under

                5.  Presentation:                       candidate’s ability to present the report using, where
                                                        necessary, relevant charts, tables and graphs.

               Managing The Research Project

               The  research  project  is  worth  60%  of  the  candidate’s  total  mark.    Teachers  should  ensure  that
               sufficient time is allowed for teaching the research skills contained in the Module, explaining the
               requirements of the School-Based Assessment, discussing the assessment criteria and monitoring and
               evaluating the project work.


               It is important to start planning for the research project work early.  Agreed deadlines should be
               established.  Dates for completion and submission of specific activities should be set by the teacher.

               Length of the report

               The length of the report should not exceed 1,500 words, excluding bibliography, charts, graphs, tables,
               pictures, references and appendices.

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