Page 80 - CAPE Financial Services Syllabus Macmillan_Neat
P. 80


Double Tax Agreement      The agreement that an entity or individual should not pay two separate
                          taxes on the same investment for the same purpose and during the same
                          time period. This occurs because the income from the investment is
                          subject to two different tax authorities.

Drive-by                  (Attack vectors/medium available to cyber criminals). Opportunistic
                          attacks against specific weaknesses within a system.

Due Diligence (Customer,  Customer due diligence (CDD) requirement that banks obtain
enhanced)                 information to verify the customer’s identity and source of funds.
                          Applying a risk-based approach to customer due diligence (CDD) will
                          identify situations which can present a higher risk of money laundering
                          or terrorist financing (EDD).

Economic Conditions       These can be considered as the economic characteristics that describe
                          the state of an economy which can either be contractionary or
                          expansionary. There are indicators that are used to define the state of
                          the economy or economic conditions, examples include unemployment
                          rate, GDP growth rates, and inflation rates.

Efficiency                Deals with the extent to which resources are utilised optimally.

Efficient Frontier        The efficient frontier is the set of efficient portfolios out of the full set of
                          potential portfolios. On a graph, the efficient frontier constitutes the
                          boundary line of the set of potential portfolios.

Efficient Market          An efficient market is a well-functioning financial market in which
                          prices reflect all relevant information. If a financial market is efficient,
                          then the best estimate of the true value of a security is given by its
                          current market price.

Efficient Market          The efficient market theory implies the following: Resources are
Hypothesis (EMH)          effectively allocated in the market, technical analysis and fundamental
                          analysis are worthless and portfolio selection is worthwhile, but market
                          timing is not.

Equity                    Represents funds contributed by the owners, plus retained earnings or
                          minus the accumulated losses.

Financial Action Task     Sets standards and promote effective implementation of legal,
Force (FATF)              regulatory and operational measures for combating money laundering,
                          terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the
                          international financial system. The FATF is therefore a “policy-making
                          body” which works to generate the necessary political will to bring about
                          national legislative and regulatory reforms in these areas.

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