Page 89 - CAPE Financial Services Syllabus Macmillan_Neat
P. 89

Appendix III


WORD          DEFINITION/MEANING                                                 COGNITIVE LEVEL

Analyse       Examine methodically and in detail, the elements                   Analysis
              of a process, a situation or a theory, and then
              draw (a) conclusion(s).

Apply         Use knowledge and/or principles, approaches or                     Application
              theories to solve problems.

Arrange       Put in specific or logical order.                                  Comprehension

Assess        Present reasons for the importance of particular structures,       Evaluation
              relationships or processes. Compare the advantages and
              disadvantages or the merits and demerits of a particular
              structure, relationship or process.

Classify      Put into groups according to given criteria and observable         Comprehension

Comment       State opinion or view with supporting reasons.                     Comprehension

Compare       State, describe and elaborate on the similarities                  Application
and contrast  and differences. An explanation of the
              significance of each similarity and difference
              stated may be required for comparisons which are
              other than structural.

Construct/    Combine knowledge, principles and elements to produce              Application
Compose/      something new. For example, to build a model.                      Synthesis
Deduce        Make a logical connection between two or more pieces of            Application
              information; use data to arrive at a conclusion.

Define        Provide a precise statement giving the nature or the scope or
              the meaning of a term; or use the term in one or more
              sentences so that the meaning is clear and precise.

Demonstrate Show (how a process is carried out in steps/ stages).

Describe      Provide a detailed account, including significant characteristics  Recall
Design        or elements of an issue or situation.                              Application

              Plan and present with appropriate practical detail.

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