Page 8 - Experience the Annual Monster of the Caribbean
P. 8

Experiencing the Annual ‘Monster’ of the Caribbean

         Without noticing the shift, I completely forgot that

         Hurricane  Irma  was  active  outside.  There  was  an
         unusually quiet moment. Then I heard an extremely

         loud  peal  of  thunder  and  saw  lightning  flashing

         across  the  sky.  I  could  hear  the  cluttering  and

         clanging of materials as they were thrown up in the

         air  by  Hurricane  Irma.  At  one  point  in  time,  I  saw
         two  cars  fly  by.  I  refused  to  eat  so  I  got  hungry.

         Then my father did the unthinkable. He briskly ran

         to  the  refrigerator  and  got  out  a  pack  of

         “Lunchables” for me. He took the bull by the horns

         and  risked  his  entire  life  for  me!  Just  before  Dad

         had gone to the refrigerator, the violent wind had
         ripped the kitchen door off its hinges.

         The raging wind was pulling things outside of the

         house and Dad could have been a victim too. I felt

         guilty because I was not even that hungry. When I
         had finished eating, I started to fall asleep.

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