Page 10 - E-TESTING MANUAL - Updated.docx
P. 10

A Candidate’s Quick Guide to E-Testing

3. When the final question has been answered, select Deliver

   Use the     Submit
Previous Task  button
  button to
 navigate to


4. On the Confirm Delivery page, review any unanswered question by clicking on the

5. Having reviewed you unanswered questions, select the last tab on the Footer Bar. This
         will take you to your final response, where you will find the Deliver button displayed
         instead of the Next Task option. You will then be invited to confirm that you are ready
         to submit your work by going through the tasks outlined at items 3 and 4, again.

6. After you have confirmed your responses, select Submit Now

7. You will receive confirmation that the work has been submitted.

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