Page 11 - SBA Treatment Handbook for LRs - Updated 15 Nov 2021_Neat
P. 11
BIOLOGY (cont’d) 9. Teachers should indicate how each lab was
conducted whether face-to-face or virtual
(simulation, demonstration or YouTube videos). The
relevant materials should be made available for the
onsite moderator to verify as evidence.
CARIBBEAN Research Project No adjustment necessary. Candidates should be able
HISTORY to complete tasks using available technology.
CHEMISTRY Investigative 1. The number of practical assignments to be reduced
Project to EIGHT.
Practicals 2. The candidates must conduct at least ONE practical
assignment from each of the EIGHT compulsory
topics as listed in the syllabus.
3. Each skill (Planning and Designing, Observation,
Recording and Reporting, Analysis and
Interpretation, Manipulation and Measurement)
should be assessed at least TWICE.
4. The investigative project remains the same as
stipulated in the syllabus.
5. Where candidates are registered for multiple
sciences a single investigative project may be
6. The rule which states that no more than TWO
practical skills should be assessed from any ONE
activity will be relaxed.
7. The rule which states that each skill must be
assessed at least TWO times except for drawing
which must be assessed at least once will NOT be
8. The Manipulation and Measurement skill is the only
practical skill that may be required to be done face-
9. Teachers should indicate how each lab was
conducted whether face-to-face
(simulation, demonstration or YouTube videos). The
relevant materials should be made available for the
onsite moderator to verify as evidence.
*See Page 28
ECONOMICS Research Project No adjustment necessary. Candidates should be able
to complete tasks using available technology.
ELECTRICAL Practical No adjustments necessary. Candidates are familiar with
DOCUMENT Assignments working in technological mode.