Page 12 - SBA Treatment Handbook for LRs - Updated 15 Nov 2021_Neat
P. 12

CSEC® SUBJECT            SBA                     ADMINISTRATION DECISION

                 ENGLISH A           Portfolio           No change to the SBA requirement.
                 ENGLISH B
                                     •  Plan of          Suggestions:
                                         investigation   The  Oral  component  may  be  done  face-to-face  or
                                     •  Participation    virtually, using the available technology currently used
                                         Measure         for teaching and learning with the camera on so that
                                     •  Indicators of    the teacher may score the presentation.
                                         group activity
                                     •  Reflection       FOR GROUP WORK:
                                     •  Written report   The students can be organized in their groups and can
                                     •  Oral             meet  face-to-face  or  virtually,  using  the  platforms
                                         Presentation    available to work on their projects.

                                     1.  The  first  three
                                         areas      are
                                         marked     for
                                         candidate.  The
                                         last TWO areas
                                         are  marked  as

                                     2.  EACH  student
                                         to  submit  an

                 FAMILY AND          Three  assignments  1.  The number of practical assignments to be reduced
                 RESOURCE            worth  60  marks       to SIX.
                 MANAGEMENT          awarded        for  2.  The  number  of  moderated  assignments  to  be
                                     Practical Skills (P3).    reduced to TWO.

                                     These  are  to  be     (a)   Assignment 1 – Teacher only
                                     chosen  out  of  a     (b)   Assignment 2 – Teacher and Moderator
                                     total of 16 practical   3.  Where  practical  assignments  are  done  by  video
                                     assignments.           capture,  candidates  are  to  be  reminded  that  the
                                     Assignments  ONE       videos of their assignments should not be static but
                                     and   THREE    are     should be taken from different angles so that all skills
                                     marked  solely  by     can be captured for moderation.
                                     the  teacher  using
                                     the  mark  scheme   For 2022
                                     given    in    the
                                     syllabus.           1.  The number of practical assignments to be reduced
                                                            to EIGHT.
                                     Assignment TWO is
                                     assessed  jointly  by

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