Page 13 - SBA Treatment Handbook for LRs - Updated 15 Nov 2021_Neat
P. 13

CSEC® SUBJECT            SBA                     ADMINISTRATION DECISION

                 FAMILY AND          the teacher and the  2.  Candidates  should  have  completed  at  least  TWO
                 RESOURCE            Moderator    from      practical assignments in Year 1 and will be required
                 MANAGEMENT          CXC®.                  to complete SIX in Year 2.
                 (cont’d)                                3.  Candidates  should  be  able  to  complete  portfolio
                                                            using  the  SIX  practical  assignments  completed  in
                                                            Year 2.

                 FOOD, NUTRITION     Three  assignments  1.  The number of practical assignments to be reduced
                 AND HEALTH          worth  60  marks       to SIX.
                                     awarded        for  2.  The  number  of  moderated  assignments  to  be
                                     Practical Skills (P3).    reduced to TWO.
                                     These  are  to  be     (a)  Assignment 1 – Teacher only
                                     chosen  out  of  a     (b)  Assignment 2 – Teacher and Moderator
                                     total of 16 practical  3.  Where  practical  assignments  are  done  by  video
                                     assignments.           capture,  candidates  are  to  be  reminded  that  the
                                     Assignments  ONE       videos of their assignments should not be static but
                                     and   THREE    are     should be taken from different angles so that all skills
                                     marked  solely  by     can be captured for moderation.
                                     the  teacher  using
                                     the  mark  scheme   For 2022
                                     given    in    the
                                     syllabus.           1.  The number of practical assignments to be reduced
                                     Assignment TWO is      to EIGHT.
                                     assessed  jointly  by  2.  Candidates  should  have  completed  at  least  TWO
                                     the teacher and the    practical assignments in Year 1 and will be required
                                     Moderator    from      to complete SIX in Year 2.
                                     CXC®.               3.  Candidates  should  be  able  to  complete  portfolio
                                                            using  the  SIX  practical  assignments  completed  in
                                                            Year 2.

                 FRENCH                                  NO SCHOOL-BASED ASSESSMENT

                                     Note: Removal of the Situation Responses from Oral Examination as done for
                                     July/August 2020 examinations.

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