Page 5 - Quarantine Finds
P. 5
Quarantine Finds
The year two thousand and twenty was a year of
new things. We had the beginning of the
pandemic, lockdown, no school, no meeting with
friends and most of all, unlimited time with my
devices. Although I loved every moment spent
with YouTube, Netflix and Tik Tok, I needed my
daily dosage of Vitamin D. It was on those little
walks through my majestic surroundings that I
encountered several wildlife creatures. On one
such day, the neighbour’s dogs began howling
and barking. Usually, in my neck of the woods, it
is quite peaceful and quiet. On that day, we were
playing hide and seek in the bushes.
The ferocious barking of the dogs and the racket
that followed made my brother and I rush out
from our hiding spots with excitement and fright.
We were curious about what was happening. We
had never heard the dogs behave like that
before. Suddenly, we heard the neighbors
shouting with high pitched voices repeatedly,
“iguana, iguana.” My brother and I looked at
each other with widened eyes and rushed up the
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