Page 16 - paper-Dr. mohamed saad
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Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ISSN: 1007-6735
difference at the level (0.01). This means that teaching the unit formulated according to the development
of anchored learning has shown a statistically significant difference in the network dimension for the first
year of the secondary school students. By calculating the size and type of effect, it is clear that the effect
size has reached (0.81) and showed a high effect force of (4.24). This is an indication of the high effect
size of using anchored learning in developing digital awareness among students of the research group.
To answer the third research question
“What is the impact of developing anchored learning in interactive electronic environments on the
academic adaption of students of the Department of Educational Technology at the Faculty of Education-
Hail University?” the researcher followed the following:
The researcher used the "T" test for two interconnected samples, and the results were as shown in the
following table (3).
Table 3:The "T" test and its level of significance for the differences between the average scores of the
experimental group in the pre and post- application for the scale of academic adaptation as well as the
effect size (square value (²η)) and the effect force (d) (n = 40)
Table 3. Electronic Adoption as a whole.
Scale Application Average Standard (T) Value Significance Eta² (²η) Effect Size
56.90 Deviation 30.34 Level 0.96 (d)
Electronic Pre- 113.50 Has a
adaption application 6.03 9.79
as a whole significance
Post- 10.70 in High
From Table (3) it is clear the following:
There is a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01) between the average levels of the pre
and post- application of the scale of the academic adaptation in favor of post-application as (T) value has
reached (30.46) for the academic adaption scale, and this value is statistically significant at the level of
Commentary on the Findings
After students studied the program using anchored learning, there was growth in digital awareness and
academic adaptation, and this appeared through the electronic activities that students implemented
through electronic multimedia;
Providing educational content using learning has a major impact on encouraging students to employ
what they have learned, which has led to increasing self-confidence between the teacher and his
students, as well as raising performance rates taking into account individual differences between
After studying by using anchored learning, there was a clear impact on the development of academic
adaptation of the students. This was clear through students searching for information themselves and
knowing the strengths and weaknesses of their teaching methods during the study phase in order to be
able to take the rightscientific decisions;
Volume 22, Issue 12, December - 2020 Page-1246