Page 397 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 397
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tho U.S.A.T.C* Staging Po3t rcaainod under thoir respective
cor.mandoro. Relations with the Royal Air Force and the
U«S»A.T*C. wore conducted through tho Air Liaison Officer
and tho soma procoduro was followed at Sharjah where a con
siderable building programme was embarked upon to provide
permanent accorunodution for tho personnel of the Royal Air
Force and tho U.S.A.f.C* stationed there.
The effect of th9 abnormal rains on the Kuharraq
landing ground and the Sharjah landing ground towards the
end of tha year gave rise to much anxiety as both grounds
wore out of order for several days at a tine. A3 far as
Bahrain y/aa concerned tho position was considered to bo suffi
ciently 3oriou3 to warrant the introduction of a program®
designed to overlay tho main runways on tho Kuhorraq ground
Tilth pierced oteol platos. Tho work,which had been eoceneed
at tho end of tho year, will have tho additional advantage of
strengthening tho surface of the ground to enable it to to
used for very heavy bcr&ors.