Page 393 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 393
was oonstruecod to x*Un parallel to tho inlot through whioh
tho water 1# discharged, aftor passing tho oil separator
system, Into tho oea#
(v) pram Plant
A drum manufacturing and filling plant has boon con-
otractod with a theoretical naxinua capacity of 70,000 drums
a month* This plant is intended to provide drums for ths
shipment of aviation spirit at a rato of approximately 40,000
barrels a montho
(vx) Miscellaneous
Of the large number of nasr units which have been com
pleted or wore in tho process of construction in th3 Refinery
and other areas tho moot interesting is a now tr.-o= stage fluid
catelytio cracking unit which 13 being built for producing tho
aromatic base stock necessary for tho production of buivircd
octane aviation spirit* This unit «bich in tho only one of
its size and kind cutsido tho United States of America will
have a nominal capacity cf approximately 3,500 barrels a day
of finished aromatio blending stock#
18# 713173 01? EMI.TX3rl AlfP FQru.IHN JOTAPIFS
The exigencies of tho Services and tho war conditions
prevailing brought many distinguished civil and nil it ary
personages of many different nationalities to Bahrain during
tho year 1044#
(1) On tho 2nd November ms ffighnosa tho Anlr 8aud bin Abdur
Rahman as Gaud a younger brother of Ills llajesty King Abdul Azin
Ibn Gaud ccno to Bahrain for nodical troatment at tho American
Eisolon Eoepitol. E9 r$s present for a period of 25 days
during which tico ho was cmcooscfully treated by Dr* Paul V*
(11) Oa tho flth Kay fihail^ Abi;*llch bla Gdalmma tho Finacco
Einiotcr to tho Gcmfii Arabian e^errreat nseempr-mid by
Kcnuuf rassla rxs forced fc7 ct^cco cf tresth?? to threo