Page 391 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 391
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various products ware divided ao followon*
petrol * *• • • •• 3,011*043 barrels
Paraffin • • • ** 1.813,034 «
Diesel oil * • • .. 2,«X)3,?G3 «
Fuel oil _2a114,0S3 «
Total 10,204,933 barrels
A detailed nummary of the construction progransae which
bus boon in progress will bo glvon lator in this report* The
now equipment is directed towards tho production of aviation
petrol to the extent of about 6,000 barrels a day together with
increased quantities of other products*
(f} CaUffctroF
The now causeway which is under construction is expected
to reach a point 13*000 feet off shore where a pierhead will
be built to handle four barges simultaneously in eight feet
depth of water at mean low tide* The causeway will support
• a thirty feet wido truck road*
(g) Camp Facilities
Very considerable additions to the existing accommodation
both at Awali and at Raffa had to be made to house the large
construction force which wae imported to deal with the Refinery
construction programs* A number of buildings such as for
instance a fiftytwo roca air conditioned bunk house, and nine
twentyfour rooa air conditioned bunk houses will probably be
put w use to increase the social amenities of the permanent
staff as soon as the construction programme has been completed*
The fiftytwo room bunk houses is expected. to be transformed
into the basic unit of a new hospital for the Aslatlo employees
of tho coepasy as soon as materials can be obtained*
(h) Personnel
The following is a summary of the personnel employed
on the regular operations of tho company and the additional
construction work in progress daring the yeari-
Americans • • •• 770
British (B*K* • • ICO
Gonadinns • • CO
Couth Africans *• C3
Other Europeans* • •• 6
.tTitich Indians* • •• 707
Xrc'iis •• •• 1C7
Eolirainls •• • • «tcro
Others x •• ✓ lflCO
(1) E23&SK
*&• royalty £o» tho jrw «soKsfce4 to fc,cn}CJ9<08-0.