Page 388 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 388

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                   rarest of occasions and writing work had to bo reduced to

                   a minimum.
                   (11) Technical School
                         There hA8 boon a considerable falling off in the number
                   of students in the Teohnioal School due to the abnormal demand

                   for skilled and sesii-skillod workers hov/over immature their
                   training*   The teaching staff have had to contond with coh-
                   siderable difficulties owing to a shortage of materials and
                  instruments. . The future of the Technical school was discussed

                  with the Bahrain Government during 1944 and it is possible that
                  the Bahruin petroleum company may bo inclined to take over the
                  institution with suitable reservations to the Bahrain Government
                  in the way of a quota of scholarships for boys nominated by the
                  Bahrain Government.    Nothing definite could bo settled as the

                  Bahrain Petroloun Company are at present very pre-occupied with ii
                  the abnormal war programme they have been called upon to handle.
                  It is probable that in 1945 they will be able to put into exe­

                  cution a nuaber of sound schemes for the benefit of the general
                  population which they have been considering in theory during
                  the past year and it is hopod that one of their first actions
                  will be to coao to an agreement with the Bahrain Government
                  regarding the Technical school.

                  (ill) Girls9 Schools
                        The Girls1 Section had much the same difficulties to
                 contend with as the Boys9 Section. There have however been

                 ▼cry large increases in the number of students in the Girls9
                 Schools.    This Is due to the higher standard of education
                 brought about by the reoruitaent from overseas of skilled

                 mistresses, and the realisation by the general public that an
                 educated girl has mnoh greater chances of wafr*"g a satisfactory
                 (iv) qtatlstloq
                                                 L—iJad                  k .
                      107* Schools as on Slot
                                   Dec. 1C-24.      9                       71
                      Girls Schools •&>             4                       o
                      Technical school .do-         1            £3          7
   383   384   385   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393