Page 385 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 385
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14. pDXGAU
(1) Victoria MemorialJfionpltal
Lieutenant M.L.A. Steele, held charge throughout
tho 7oar with the oxaeption of a period during the sumner
when Lieutenant Shyam Sundor of the Indian Medical Corps
aatod as looun tenons.
1043 1043 1044
Out-patients treated 15,759 20,029 19,602
in-patients troatod 11 36 14
Operations (minor) 525 416 635
There wore no epidemics during 1944 and it is interesting to
note that there has been a steady decreuso in the nunber of
endemic smallpox caso3 clnco 1341. This is probably duo to
tho very careful quarantining and vaccinating which have heen
carried out during tho pa3t three years„
Malaria - There was a decrease in tho number of nalarial
cases treated fren 3,452 in 1943 to 3,279 in 1944. Most of
those cases aro considered to have been relapses from old
infections in persona rho had r.ot carried cut a full course
of treatment. The same applied to tho venereal disease cases
treated in this hospital and about which tho medical officer
reported tho difficulty of persuading pationt3 to complete
a full period of treatnent.
(ii) American Mission Hospital
Dr. Paul W. Harrison v.*aa in charge, assisted by Dr.r.H.
Stora, Dr. J. Chardy, Dr. Mrs. J.lU Ames, and towards the
end of 1944 by Dr. C.H.O. Uylrca, O.D.3. Dr. J. Chasdy
loft in tho early suznor for a post-graduate course in the
United states towards tho cost of which a very generous cum
of conoy had been contributed by grateful patients.
1222 19*3, 1£24
Out-patients treated 43,000 . 10.010 14,124
Zn-patloats treated 1,165 2,030 2,079
1,122 aajor operations wore carried out and 1,700 olaor
operations cs cczpared with a total of snjor and sdnor
operations counting to 4,GOO in 1043.