Page 380 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 380
- 4 -
Strength on
31-12-1043 31-12-1944
Polio# • •• • • • 371 323
Ifaturs • • • • • • 182 173
No serious crimes were committed, during tho year* Sixty
seven oases of snuggling of tea9 sugar9 cigarettes9 and or
pieoegoods were detected and the number of potty thofts increased.
There were tiro cases of very up-to-date crime when tiro motor
vehicles were stolen and stripped of their tyres and tubes* The
vehicles were rocoTored and in one case the tyrc3 also and the
criminals were produced in court*
There hqs been a steady inoreaso in the area of land
under cultivation in those parts of Bahrain where water is
. available* The area of tho Government experimental garden at
Budaiya was increased towards the end of the year and the Bahrain
Government Agriculturist was available to advise garden owners
and cultivators on agricultural matters*
The municipal i»rk of both the municipalities was restricted
to ordinary routine duties owing to lack of building materials*
The municipalities, as in previous years took an active part in
assisting the pood Controller in tho rationing and distribution
of foodstuffs*
7* PUBLIC ffOPia
Owing to the impossibility of obtaining cement and other
building materials no fresh construction work could be undertaken
and it was only with tho greatest difficulty that urgent repairs
war# carried out*
(•) flrrqgil
The now traacaltting station of the Royal navy co:>
nested during tho year (connected lead of apprex0I7 33