Page 377 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 377


                        ad; f xnx»sxn at ion report of the BAreum Acrawr
                          /l!ID TI!ft TRUCIAL COAST FOR THE YEAR 1044

             1. OFFICERS
                  (a) political Agent

                      Major T. Hickinbotham,          From 1st January to 6th July,
                                           O.B.S.     from 21st August to 18th Oct.,
                                   C.I.B • t
                                                      and from 4th Nov. to 313t Dec.
                      Mr. T.E. Rogers, I.C.S.         From 7th July to 20th August.
                      Mr. R.U. Iladow, I.C.S.         From 19th October to 3rd Nov.
                  (b) Assistant political Agent

                      Mr. R.ifo Radow, I.C.S.         From 1st January to 6th June,
                                                      from 7th July to 20th August,
                                                      and from 4th Nov. to 14th Nov.
                      Mr. T.E. Rogers, I.C.S.         From 7th June to 6th July and
                                                      from 21st Aug. to 13th October.

                      Captain H.P.O.C. Tandy,         From 15th November to 31st Dec.
                 (c) Indian Assistant
                      Dr. S.M.Slddlq, M.A., Ph.D.     From 1st January to 2Gth July.
                      Mr. M.A. Hafiz.                 From 19th August to 31st poo.

                 (d) Agency surgeon
                      Lieutenant M.L.A. Steele, I.M.D. From 1st Jan. to 12th July
                                                         and from 15th 31st
                                                                             pec onbor.
                      Lieutenant Shyaa Sunder, I.M.C*    From 13th July to 14th Oct.
                 (e) Political Officer. Truclal Coast.

                      Captain U.P.O'C. Tandy.         From 1st January to 30th April
                     Hr. R.M. Hadow, I.C.S.           From 1st May to ICth October
                     Captain R.S.H. Bird              From 17th Oat. to 31st Doc.

                 (f) Residency Agent, shariah         (Post vacant from 1st Jan. to
                                                       19th April 1944.).
                     Khan Bahadur Saiyid Abdur        From 20th April to 31st Deo*

                 pa^rain Govrar^int official^

                 (t) /dvjger to tho gnvernr?*nt
                     Hr. c* Dalrynple Bolgravo,       Frca 1st January to 25th July
                                        CoD. 2.       and from 16th Sept, to 31ot
                                                      '                  Dcocnfcor*
                     Ejv G.W.R. Gith                  Freni 25th July to 15th Gcpfc.
                                                      (In addition to hio c^n duties)
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