Page 379 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 379
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Al Than! tho holr-procunptivo to tho ohaikhdoa of Qatar
who was suffering from a serious Infection of tho faco which
kept him horo,ooaowhat to tho embarrassment of Hlfl Highnosoj,
for approximately fivo monthso Tho agreement between tho
two shaikhdoa3 nada it possible for several thousand unskilled
labourers who wero badly* nooded b7 tho Bahrain Petroleum
Jompany and the Royal Air Force to come to those Islands and
obtain employment* It was hoped that the vague terms of the
agreement would preclude the raising of specific questions
with regard to tho ounorshlp and dimensions of tho Zubara
area but Ills Highness indulged in long discussions on the
subject, in particular with regard to certain armed guards
in a fort within tho area, with the Political Agent and
towards the end of tho year, in not oltogethor profitable
correspondence with the shaikh of Qatar on the same subject*
(b) Shaikh uohaaed bin’ »lsa Al Kh&llf&h paid his usual annual
visit to Egypt and took his usual place- in social events in
that country. Shaikh •>Abc.ul3.ah bin ®Xsaj his youngor
brother and/junior undo of the Ruler was present throughout
the year with the exception of a period of five r/oeks in tho
early wintor during which he went to Saudi Arabia on a hawking
Shaikh Khalifah bin liohamed a nephew of His Highness
remained Superintendent of police throughout the year while
Shaikhs Mubarak bin Hamad and Dhaij bin Hamad, brothers of
His Highno389 continued to hold their appointments9 the one
as a judge of the Bahrain Junior Joint Court and the other
as a judge of the Bahrain Senior Court* Shaikh All bln Hamad
css of His Highness* oousins held the ^ppointm©*** of a judge
of the Bahrain Senior Court, and arrangements were Bade for
Shaikh Salman bln Kohamod a brother of the aforementioned
Shaikh Kkalifoh bln Cohsmod to undergo a course of legal
Instruction la Palestine early in 1043. His Highness*
brother shaikh Abdullah bln Eaaad was president of the
Ccrchaats Court and also of the Euharraq Ealadiyah*