Page 376 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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                  summer by running water bargos from Abadan, and have repaired,
                  and are in the process of extending, the bitumen road running
                  from the Desman fblnce towards the main square of the town.
                  They have also kept in operation the three desert water wells
                  fitted with windmill pumps which they presented to the Shaikh
                  in 1942 and 1943.
                            Since August they have been making on extensive
                  meteorological survey, and latterly marine and coastal surveys,
                  to collect data on which to base plans for future development,
                  and a combined British and American Technical Mission has
                  visited Kuwait to examine the problems involved.

                            In November Mr. C.M. Roseburgh, Chief Pipe-Line
                  Engineer of the Gulf Oil Corporation of America, also paid a
                  two day visit to the Kuwait Oil Company.
                  XIII.     EASTERN GULF OIL COMPANY.
                            In August some drilling equipment and a staff of
                  seven American technicians arrived to start exploratory
                  drilling for sulphur, as required by the Eastern Gulf Oil
                  Company's concession. By the end of the year they had drilled
                  three wells and started a fourth in the vicinity of the Kuwait
                  Oil Company's No.l oil well. The results, however, were most
                  XIV.      IMPERIAL BANK 0? IRAN.

                            The Imperial 5ank of Iran has continued to do
                  business on a fairly substantial scale. It appears to be
                  popular amongst the mercantile community who continue to avail
                  themselves of ohe facilities it offers. The number of *the
                  Bank's customers, already large, has increased to some extent;
                  but towards the end of the year there was evidenc-e of a decline
                  in the volume of its operations due, in large measure, to the
                  increased restrictions and controls on the import and re-export
                  of goods.

                            The Bank still occupies the sarle premises, but it is
                  intended, on the return of more normal conditions, to request
                  the Shaikh to build a new office which will be leased from him
                  by the 3ank, a course to which His Highness has agreed.
                            l!r.2.3. Katheson, who was awarded the £5.3.2. in the
                 New Year's honours, held charge of the bank until the 2nd
                 October when he was relieved by Mr.H.;.". Kalg-, who held charge
                 until the close of the' year.
                 XV.        VISITORS.
                            A considerable number of service personnel continued
                 to visit Kuwait throughout the year. The Royal Air Porce
                 maintained a rest house for this purpose in the first half of
                 the year, but later discontinued it as the rent was found to be
                 too high. It is now intended that they should take over
                 the house occupied by the Inland Water Transport Detachment
                 as a rest camp when-the Army vacate it. It has been offered
                 to them free of rent by the Shaikh.
                 XVI.      METEOROLOGICAL.

                           Total Rainfall during the year...         5.28"
                           Maximum temperature (in July)....         1160

                           Minimum temperature (in February)          45°

                                             Belitical Agent, Kuwait.
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