Page 374 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 374

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               VI.     foreign interests.
                   (a) SAUDI ARABIA.
                         Relations v/ith the Saudi Kingdom have remained
               friendly throughout the year and the Shaikh has continued to
               help Ibn Saud to 3hip quotas of essential commodities for
              Nejd through Kuwait.
                   (b) IRAQ.
                         The attitude of the Shaikh to Iraq has undergone
              no change. The snuggling of goods from Kuwait to Iraq,
              however, has been on a much reduced scale because of the
               control over quotas exercised in Kuwait. On the other hand
              Iraqi rice has been smuggled into Kuwait in small but
              regular quantities throughout the winter months.

                         At the instance of Kis Majesty’s Government the
               Shaikh was persuaded to co-operate with the Iraq Government
              in the matter of vehicles smuggled from Iraq for the
              pilgrimage, and the rocket was completely checked. The Iraq
              Government, however, has given t^e Shaikh a fresh cause
              for complaint by refusing transit facilities for goods
              consigned to Kuwait through the Port of Basrah. As a result,
              many cargoes consigned to Kuwait as part of the controlled
              importing programme have been held up in Basrah.
              VII.      DATS GARDENS.
                         The situation was as' follows at the end of the
                   (a)  3.. SHI YAH.

                         The appeal lodged in Baghdad by the Shaikh’s lawyer
              failed and the case has not been pursued in the Court of
              Cassation. The areas lost to the Shaikh have been
              ascertained; but, upto the close of the year, a satisfactory
              estimate of their value had not been obtained.

                  (b) FADKaGKIYAH.
                        There have been no developments during the year.
                  (c) FAQ.
                        The gardens at Fao fiave been registered by the
              Land Settlement Board of Basrah in the name of the ’’Heirs
              of Jabir bin Abdullah Al#Awaln, the great grandfather of
              the present Ruler. Certain appeals have been lodged in
              Court of Appeal in Baghdad against this decision, and at
              the end of the year summons were outstanding against the
              Heirs because, upto that time, no list of the heirs who
              could empower a lawyer to accept service of the summons
              had been prepared.

                        Prior to reference of the case to the Land
              Settlement Board the Hutassarif of Basrah, in his executive
              capacity, supervised the distribution of the produce of the
              Fao gardens between owners and cultivators. He has since
             received orders, however, not to interfere in the case as
             long as it is sub judice; and the Shaikh can now only          /
             secure the owner’s share of the produce by recourse to the
             courts. This he was unable to do because the court
             refused to accept the pleadings of a lawyer empowered to act
             on behalf of the Shaikh and held that, for his pleadings
             to be heard, the lavyer should hold a power of attorney
             from the heirs of Jabir bln Abdullah.
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