Page 382 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 382

• I -
                   and parti/ to Inefficient operation* Enquiries ore now

                   be Inf nado from Hoasrs* Ca^lo and tfiroloss Limited with regard
                   to the possibility of their being able to lnstal and operate
                   an automatic system* Similar enquiries mado from the Director
                  of posts and TolSgraphs, Sind and Baluchistan* resulted In an
                   Indication that It was unlikely that equipment aould bo mude
                  available from India*

               9* pEARLIHQ INDUSTRY
                        The season was not a successful one*     This was due in
                  port to the month of Ramadhan, during which there is no diving,

                  occurring in the middle of the season and in part to the small
                  number of boats taking part* This in itself was due to the
                  great demand for unskilled labour at attractive rates caused by

                  the extensive building operations of th9 Bahrain Petroleum Cdnptsv
                  and the Royal Air Force*
                        Curiously enough there was a considerable rise in the
                  price of the lower grades of pearls In the Indian aarket due
                  to extensive buying in India and at the sane time there was no

                 corresponding rise in the price of good quality goods for the
                 reason, that the American and European markets are still closed,
                 and large quantities of high quality pearls are being hold in

                 Bombay against an expected rise in prices on the cessation of
                 hostilities in Europe*

            10*  CT75T053

                       Imports during the year 1944 showed on increase over
                 1943 which combined with a general rise in the cost of goods
                 resulted in a customs revenue of £s,21,06,G03y being the largest
                 sub which has ever been received in the fora of customs duties.

           11# food comma

                       The food Control Department under the supervision of the
               . Dircotor of Custccs succeeded very efficiently in overooaing

                the problems of the provision end the distribution ef food for
                the people* ftcao idea of the magnitude of the unacgtaJsiB!!
               :                                                         /m
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