Page 384 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 384

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                          •gainst looal danlors#     An interesting table of comparison
                          between prewar and present rat03 showing tho percentage

                          increase If attached to this roport as Appendix "A".
                     12. SfUPPIWQ
                                The following is a comparative statement of ships
                          using the onchoragesi-
                                                        J942     1943      1944

                                British     •.           134      109       171
                                American    • •           24       51       188
                                Dutch       * •            1       10        24
                                Horwoglan   • «            2       21        10
                                Others      M                       9        12

                                The total Imports during tha year amounted to 1196,681
                          tons while tha exports, exclusive of oil shipments, amounted
                          to 14,423 tons.
                               Since the beginning of the year sixteen steel barges,
                         four wooden barges, and throe deep soa tugs were brought

                         into commission by shipping agents.
                               The United Kingdom Commercial corporation, for whoa
                         Messrs. Oray LTackonsie & Company act as agents, imported

                         the following goBaojlltles during 19441 —
                                            Sugar              443 tons
                                            Barloy           2,149    »
                                            Wheat           14,039    «
                                            Fleur            4,G36    ■
                                            Rice               393    w

                   13. ACClD5r73 WITHIN THF, POUT LIJUTS
                               Two accidents occurred within the port limits during
                         1944. The first of ttte'su was the destruction by fire on

                         the 11th of September of & launch belonging to Cossrs. Gray
                        Bockonsie & Company Limited which was lying alongside the
                        Royal Air Force pier on tho Kufcarraq causeway,     The secoid
                        accident, in seme ways sore sorlcus, for the commodity

                        in extremely short supply in the Islands, when a dhow
                        belonging to All bln uohaned (tear Eosara of Aden ran aground
                        north of Banana anchorage cn the £Cth of December and was

                        severely damaged, tho whole of her cargo of ocsssS bcic3
                        a total loss.
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