Page 396 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 396
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Ko works of Importance are reported to havo boon
carried out by this company during the year undor review*
Thoir nuoox’oua commercial and sorvice "services" wore
maintained, und there wa3 a considerable increase in staff
to enable furthor service, domundo to bo undertaken*
Messrs. Petroleum concessions Limited, Messrs. Petroleum
Development (^atsr) Limited, and Messrs, petroleum Development
(Trucial Coast) Limited have made little progress during tho
porlod under review. At tho end of tho year operations in
Qatar were still suspended and with the exception of nego
tiations to obtain an extension to the Ajman Option /greenent
no work was .done on the Trucial coast whatsoever*
On the 2nd September 1914 the United States of Amerioa
after negotiations with tho Government of the Hejaz and Nejd
opened a Consulate at Dhahran. Mr. Parker T* ;iart, an
officer of tho state Department of six years standing with
tho rank of Vice-Consul was the first Consular official
to bo appointed* 12r* Hart who i3 assisted by Ur* C*J*McIntosh
paid regular visits to tho Bahrain Petroleum Company's premi
ses at Awall, Bahrain having been included informally by tho
United States Government within his consular Jurisdiction*
During the year 1944 there was an increase in the
number of Royal Air Force personnel stationed at Muharraq
and in addition sone two hundred men of the U.S*A.T.C. arrived
in the early spring and early summer* This additional
personnel was required in connection with the operation of
the Far East reinforcement programmes both for British and
American aircraft*
Tho Air Liaison Officer recoined in charge of tho
Station but No.43 staging Post, to which mors than ninety
percent of the Royal Air Force personnel are attached, and