Page 40 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 40

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                   in the of imports U.t Iranian customs conversion rate hug
                   teen exiled.                        v %
                          Trudo figuree for the second I-*lf of 1941 arc not avail*
                   able tut they wo-la probably ohow some increase in imports into
                   tills urea from Inuiu toti. Ly the land and sea routes*
                   in.'lotlIranian Oil Co. lire f.erman branch of tl.o Coapany,
                              whien aapplies for .ost Iran also pest, maintained
                   svih—e^tnr 1 ea at hu/aiir »Dbas, ii&fsinjun, nirjan 2.1x1 Haiti. It is
                   geld that with the increase in roud transport charges the tax
                   Company is selling its products in ..set iran H a loss.
                   Church •.isgionsrv Jociety. (a) Hedic >1» Dr(Uiss) ilowgute was
                      in charge of U.e hoapltal throughout the ye*r aval*loo by
                  Dr(iJisa) Blackwood who arrived in .•’.ay'* The Meo&cul •“ fficcr-ln-
                  Charge elao acted wg uecicul officer to H.X'g Consulate* There
                  were 623 in-patientg and 22,794 out-patient attendances during
                  the year* In the absence of any gjvcrrowmt institution Uie
                  Society continues tJ render valuable service to thw co-iaunity*
                   (b) St .ndrewe Church. Hev* .-..?* Howden remained in charge
                  throughout the year*
                          There was no interference by the local authorities with
                  any branch of the ’.ociety's won in Keno/in.
                                     IV - Foreign Interests
                  fapresentation* -There were no other foreign representatives
                      in this area.
                  Trade. The decline in see-borne trade, particularly imports,
                  owing to the war is illustrated by the following figures for
                  the port of Hand&r ..thus (omitting United Kingdoa and India ;i-
                                     131S( endlrw   cUth ilarch, 19-11)  1318
                  Exports    1*511  21,7W,G00                 ;iU 1   22.375.000
                  Imports            9,541,000                        22.491.000
                         duger from Java represented more than one-half the
                  total "foreign0 imports during 1319 while an appreciable
                  quantity of sugar was also imported from ivgypt.
                         in spite of the situation the corpst
                  industry hud a reasonably good year* during the trade year
                  1319 carpets valued at £70,670 were despatched from Kerman to
                  .aeries ena a further quantity valued at £26.000 were sent to
                  Tehran, against a total of ££5,300 despatched from  Kerman to
                  xaerioa and the United Kingdom during the previous year* >ith
                 America's entry into the wur fewer orders were being placed*
                                      V - Local ''-overrent
                 Os tender (Governor Ceneral)* The post remained vacant until
                     September when rayed "ehdi rarrukh arrived. \ former
                 Minister, of Industry and "oads and one time •. mbaacador to
                 Afghani!tan, his last post vug that of vstnndor, Furs*
                 yhrmiRdnr (Governor). This post remained vacant, the head
                     clerk of U;e Fumindari officiating, until the arrival of
                 Vebdl Shah rush at the end of Pay*  Aith the arrival of the
                 Pstandar there was friction between the two officers and Tehdi
                 Shahrukh was recoiled to Tehran* He was replsced in .-•ecember
                 by Pe*i» Fahimi*
                 Other local r>er>artaentg. The year began with The detention of
                   the assistant director of education for alleged misappro­
                 priation and the arrest of U.e Kerman Income Tax officer -----
                 charged with corruption* In nnrcfc the post of .gricultural
                 adviser to the L'stufldur was abolished) there have also been
                 constant changes in other depurtawutsj the Chief of folic**
                 Pasyar 11 Ismail ^, being replaced by .11 .kbur sea in
                 November sftt.r having been in nerrun for less Uian 7 months*
                 In the sa^i month .bdul /.avim i.svasani took up his post us
                 Chief Jus tic* anu in gcce.aber .hand *11 Beni ndum boc.^ae the
                 now head of the municipality*
                        It is to Lt hoped that such of the present local
                 officials who any not be suspended will not, in future, spend
                                                             / most of their

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