Page 42 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 42
to clear the IkiidabiafSirJarO-N'aria road in conjunction with
a detachment from Tara.
On the wholo internal security has teen maintained end
the incidents reported have been the work of isolated gongs
and not the rcouit of ary concerted action by the trite a to
hold up ana rob road transport ar.d travellers on a general
Sorhang TuroaJ arrived In Lc-c ember to command tho whole
Unton (Provincial) «\anloh Forco, on appoint tont which should
largoly contribute to the continued aalntonancc of internal
security in this area*
VII - Conaunicotiona
«o*ul4« Vo new roads have been constructed during the ycir and
ices was epont on the nair.tcn^ of existing ronua*
.\y<atlrn* Vo aeroplane landed at Scraan during the p:»et ye*'.r
ana little was done to maintain the landing ground in a
uncable condition.
vrlrcJem* The r.eraon station h-*s been used for allitary
purposes only.
VIII - Economic Conditions
The continued rise in tho cost of livliv u-xva; l.'dl
led to a atoady deterioration in tho ctsnd.rcs of the poorer
people* Tho increase in the wages of govern-., r.t s«.rv.*>nt9
announced throughout Iran during the 1-st quarter of the ye:;r,
though followed by an lncrewso in the wuges of the iocil
weavero who fern a largo part of ,».ornm city's population, T. a
not compensated in f^ll for tho lucre *ccs in the c ;ct of
prlcary foods tuffs, Increases in a few of the essentials sra-
^ec. 1940* i/CC. Ii-il«
futtoa r.iala 1G-CO 2*i-G0 per :uj n
Bread 2—£0 :>-co
i-ice 12-00 IL'-tJ
Sugar 17-50 (Govt rote; if-uJ
(click " )7C-:'/0-00
firewood 6G-C0 GO-GO kh-irwur
Charcoal 160-00 3CC-00 ti
Brushwood 7-00 LC-00 loau*
The early expectations of a good vhe*»t crop were not
realised *nd by .'.unjust it v»s estimated that cv«a if oil the
wheat xr\3 collected according to the existing obli. tio s of
the cultivators a further 3,GC0 tone would be reguircu to
:ccet the e cus of >crr.'r. and rn:a up to the next h-jinvest.
-'•1 though 12 tona of w*-ont continued t-> he iscutU to the
da kora of * daily, :.uck of this vs illegally uolu »c
grain and hoarded by those who had the .roncy t buy. vun-
tu»lly faced by a growing shortage of bread the loo 1 \-itl.ori-
ties in December decided to establish a aun*cip~l u *.ory *r.d
cut cut the bakers entirely* »t the outset* this scl.e <c,
which had the strong backing of !:*?„•• Consul, lacked ^-.equate
distribution arrangements but steps were be.Oo tukgj ,to ro
this dofeet*
A su,*.;ar rationing sche;.aa was started In rerm-n in
SeptecLbcr by which each person was to lo allowed to buy 3
Biennia per day (6 aisqals • 1 o*)* Tht ration w&«* Later
rif ;d at 1 kilo per month* This was functioning well until
there tus a ehor' -go of sugar and for nearly two months at
tho c::d of the year no ration sugar wa« iceueci* Luring, this
period supplies could bo obtained only froa a few private
corchanta et block-market prices*
If a steady supply of minimum requiresnts cun bo aoin-
talncd aw thi government rates hidden utocka pur tic .ilary will
•vcatually reach the u rkot* of wb«jOt
Tl'.oro has fccon no attempt to control other coamouitios
In this uictribt, sor.s of which, such oo drugs, hovo pr&ctic-
ftUy dicuppoorcd* It can be sosumsd that in oo.r.e cnees
Owec!i3 sro boinj hoarded in the hop# of scarcity pricco Viter*
In Larch soot of the loetl taxes wore doubled arid all
tho local sanopoly companies were taken ovor ty the govern-
/ ro nit t. Inns