Page 44 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 44
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ircejruphical grounds • » —
By tho end or the year adr.inlctr.itlva sanction had beer
tjiven for the opening of a consular office at Yezd and arrange,
.-..onto were in hand to put thin into ofl’cct.
* overt/ ia not oo widespread at Yczd oo at Keraon and
Eon but there \:cro porioca of forced and sugar chorV-go lilo
olOQKherc in Iran.
Generally apc&king the political and economic situation
at Yesd is covered by the remarks for Kcraan.
C - /wBS*.S
H.IS1* Consul, r.orran, held additional charge throughout
the year.
Consulor Statistical
British aubjecta registered 36
Fussports granted nil
" renewed 1
1'ocaT.ents legalised 6
Visas granted 4
Kcoa lovied £6:8:6.
IX - Visitors
’» British party bended by ?*inj Cor«2indcr
Andrews arrived at HnC'.r \bfcca on C4th "oveater in Lr.l!.A.
"Aon (idle 11", end left the following day.
The Hon'blc the roiitic.'l coident in the leraian ‘Julf
Called at rtnd?«r »tbno in tho 3.2. "Kearebus'•* ou the £3th
ill - British Interests
Tmdg (see under Kerunn)
tosnru Av/, : V.r^zLt iTo. The company rho ere agents for
t-ie A.i.J.Ii.go. aaiatiined an agency at I'undbr .bbas through
out the year.
IV - ?oreign Interests
Tr-da (see under •ersan)
:> presentation. rherc were no oth» r foreign representatives
at this port.
Italian ."Bilea". This veosel of *1973 tons which hni been
lying «t • bb'is 6incc the outbreak, of war with ib.lj9
wto set an fire a* J abandoned by her Captain r.:u cr.w on bf/ti.
Uiuct. “he attempted cabotage was not very effective and two
d“»/3 later chips of H.i;, !Tavy entered the port and towed the
”2!llda” away.
V - Locol 'lovern-aent
Parraand^r. There waa an acting ^orsandar (Govornor) through
out the year.
*q*i Aim, who had held charge of the cue to and
revenue dep.rtreats for the lact 5 yoora, died on Oth October#
!7o iarrovc..cnto to the port or its facilities were aide
during the year mui little waa done to i iprovo the aaenitlea
^/rlculture,. JTo encourage :»ent was given to improve ftgrioul-
tore and thore were reduced oowinja in this district#
HefLlth^. There were no serious epidemics during the yeor.
Juntlnn.t Ko iupootant caae involving British oubjoots caas
buior* the local court during 1041.
|nduetry and L,ovftloi/»r>ntsfl Ko new industries vers sotabliahed
during the poet year.
The Dutch i-xpioratory Co completed their surveys on
/ lUrnk end Farur