Page 405 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 405
''car because their demand, for increase of pay had not boon
accepted by the Director General of Customs. This is believed
to be Muscat's first attempt at an organised strike, and it
rcsiiltcd in the discomf iturc and punishment of tho ringleaders.
In commemoration of the Bicentenary of the A1 Bu Said
dynasty special postage stamps with the words "A1 Bu Said"
overorinted in Arabic wore on sale from 20th November to the
ond of tho year. The total issue was Rs.50,000/-.
( i) The following table gives the comparative values of
imports and exports during the last three years :-
Year Imports Exports
1941- 1942 Rs. 53,12,403 Rs. 38,68,298
1942- 1943 Rs. 63,40,792 ns. 81,18,976
1943- 1944 Rs.1,43,82,740 Rs.1,23,34,679
Tho increase in the import figures is due to increased
prices and not quantities. The following table shows the
average price per package
Year Imports
1941- 1942 ?S. 14/4/-
1942- 1943 ?3. 34/3/-
1943- 1944 Fu. 93/7/-
The increase in the value of exports during tnc year
1943-1944 over those of 1942-1943 is mainly duo to the high
price of dates and fish, coupled with a favourable dollar
exchange rate.
The following table shows tho percentage of imports and
exports from aiA to other countries ;-
_____ Imports_______ Evr>orts
1942-1943 1943-1944 1942-1943 19*=3-1944
Aden and Aden
Protectorate 4.00 3 3.20 % 1.30 3 4.00 3
Af r ic a 0.80 55 16.40 3 1.20 3 2.00 %
Ceylon 2.00 J> 0.30 %
India 89.00 55 68.00 3 56.70 3 56.00 %
Iraq 0.60 3 6.20 3 12.50 3
Persia 1.60 3 3.00 5S 2.00 % 4.00 3
Persian Gulf 2.40 55 6.80 % 29.20 3 21.00 3
United Kingdom 1.80 3 1.00 3
Yemen 0.40 3 1.00 3 1.40 3 0.20 3
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Tho main articles of imports were cereals, sugar and
textiles, and- those of export dates and fish.
(ii) The exchange rate of the Maria Theresa dollars, the
local currency, rose rapidly during 1943-1944, from 206 to 295
rupees per 100 M.T. dollars.
The three aerodromes in the Muscat State viz. at Salalah
Ras-Al-jiadd-and..Masirah, were in operation throughout the year.
Tho French Consulate remained closod throughout the year.
Tho American Mission under the charge of Rev. and ?lrs.
Dykstra continued their work throughout tho year. Dr.W.W.Thoms