Page 410 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 410
t Noto: Prior to permission being given to this offico to inspect the oet3
I obtained confirmation in writing from Captain Metcalfe that your Highneoo
had sanctioned the use of these seta for Coast Watching..
5. Strength.
The force hao been between eight and twenty-seven under strength
V during the year. Desertions have been below the everage for 1942 end
1943 tut recruits for the major part of the year have been practically
unobtainable, the reason being, as before, local non can work as coolies
at Masirah with better pay arid less discipline, and Liekran men are not
coining over aa living conditions, according to the reports of men return
ing from leave, are infinitely better in Mekran than in Muscat. Reports
Bhow that the crops there have been good, and that rice is available,
rationing being apparently non-existent. During the months of October, Nov
ember and December there has been a sudden influx of local recruits, mainly
ex Masirah coolies, a possible reason being tbe reduced pay of the coolies
at Masirah.
There is still a certain amount of feeling about the meagreness of
pay. It 'was hoped that as tbe value of tbe dollar decreased living, in
Muscat, would become easier. Eut unfortunate/ as the dollar drops, the
shop keepers prices feo up to counteract the fell in the exchange rate.
Subedar (local Subedar Major) Allah Tad continues to work well, he
I talks of retiring in about a year's time, He has been recommended -"or
the O.P.I.
Jemadar Hassan Gul has reverted to Military Duty and has been re
placed by Jemadar Sheikh !:chd, Punjab Regiment, who is a much more suitable
type. He is an old regular soldier with plenty of experience and a nice
Jemadar Ahned Sher wishes to revert to Military Duty and a suitable
replacement has been asked for. It is a pity that he is rOin~ aC? he is
a great asset, in addition to superintending the Curjsry he he? trained the
signallers, he himself being a qualified signalling Instructor.
Jemadar Fakir Mohd is satisfactory but that' is all, he is a can
lacking in intelligence and is becoming increasingly lazy, it is a great
pity that he was ever promoted. In view of his long service he has not
been discharged but should go cn completion of bis present agreement as he
is holding up the promotion of better end keener men. Prior to my arrival
it appears to have been the policy to promote men to such positions as
Havildar Major merely because they had long service irrespective of whether
they were efficient or not. I an trying to eliminate thesenvenerafcle old
men" as soon as possible without causing unnecessary ill feeling. This is
difficult as there are no pensions.
Jemadar Lashkaran who was promoted Jemadar last year continues to
come up to expectations, he still does not 4ui'ke realise his position and
is inclined to fraternise rather too much with the men. He attended a
machine gun course at Saugor this year and obtained a Q2, which is as good
as could be . expected, in view of the fact that his knowledge of Roman Urdu
is not up to the standard required for the Indian Army 3rd Class Certificate
of Education.
6. Training,
The standard of training is on the whole good, and I consider the
force suitable in every respect for the work for which it is intended.
It would be of the greatest assistance if more K.C.O.'s could be sent on
Army courses of Instructions in India but this is impossible mat * owing
to the low standard of literacy, it is essential that such men hould be
ab^Uto read Roman Urdu manuals if they are sent on courses. All my e?~
forts to form a school ‘have been defeated by the ban on the export of writing