Page 414 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 414

                       Tho statement ao below may appear to bo of little valuo at prooont,
                 but is is hoped that it will bo tho basis of a statistical record of health
                 and disoaso, which statistics alono can show progress or otherwise in a
                 Unit and tho statements made bo of value for reference at a later period.

                       I was attached as !!.0. Unit in the middle of June 1944 but have
                 endeavoured, with the help of excellent records loft by my predecessor
                 Dr. C. Hynes, D.T.JJ. (Cal.) to report on the health of the Unit for the
                 whole of 1944.
                       Tho Unit has an average strength of 300 Other R^nks (this dees not
                 include I0£ of sanctioned strength of 350 on leave and furlough) commanded
                 by Major L.B.Hirst, Military Adviser, to H.H. tho Sultan of Muscat and
                 Goan. In tho strength of Other Ttenks are included the senior V.C.O.,
                 Subedar Major Allah Dad of the I.A. and two other V.C.Os. also of the
                 I. A.  In addition there are two Jemadars locally recruited.
                       The Barracks situated at Bait-al-Falaj are well sited and orientation
                 in positioning is excellent. The area is at least 3/4 of a mile from the
                 nearest habitation, hence its isolation from infection and other disease.
                 The temperature during the summer months is lower than in Muscat.
                       The Medical discipline in the Unit isof a very highfc standard.
                 Having served over 29 years with the British and Indian Army in T7ar and
                 peace, I can appreciate the attitude of a C.O.'who realises that the
                 health of the Unit is his responsibility, and not the Doctor1 s, yet seeks
                 advice at every step he puts forward towards the defeat of disease in his
                 Unit.  His attitude in such matters is clearly reflected in the work
                 of the senior V.C.O., Subedar Allah Dad whom I found extremely interested
                 and helpful during the absence of the C.O. on recess.
                                     Statistical Table I.

                 (a)  Average Strength of Units:                   300
                 (b)  Sick in barrecks including detained in Hospital  328
                 (c)  Deaths not in hospital                         I
                 (fl) Discharged as Medically unfit for further service  5
                 (a)  Ratio per 1000 sick ( all causes )      1093-3
                 (b)   ■   ■   « deaths                          3-3.
                 (c)   «   «   * discharged as sxxfr unfit      16.6

                 (it is regretted that the average constantly sick cannot be estimated as
                 this record was not maintained.  This will be done in future.)
                                    Statistical Table 2.

                  Disease                       Actual         Ratio per 1000.

                Valeria                           93               310.00
                Syphilis                          27                90.00
                Gonorrhea                         43               143.3
                Diseases of digestive system       7                23.3
                Diseases of respiratory system.   13                43.3
                Deficiency Diseases               21                70.00
                Diseases of tjo .                 n                 36.$
                Dysentery                          9                30.00
                Diarrhoea                          7                23.3
                Minor septic diseases             51               170.0
                Local Injuries                    36               120.00
                Infectious Diseases (Small Pox)   i 3               10.00                       I
                                  (All other causes) 7              23.3

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