Page 408 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 408

            (I. TRADE*
                       Gwadur obtains its main imports from Karachi, and thoso
                arc augmontod to a certain extent by supplies from Mokran. Tho
                chief export is dried fish to Ceylon. Figures of imports and
                exports aro included in thoso for Muscat.
            7.  WAR WATCHING.
                    * A coast watching patrol of one Jemadar and 8 men continued
                during the year. They cover the coast from Sur to Pishkan.

                COr.fMUNI CATIONS.
                      The wireless station at Gwadur, which was established by
                H.Q. Sind District for coast watching pm'poscs, was closed down
                in November as it is now considered that the civil line is
                POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS.

                      There have been no changes in the post system throughout
                the year. Interruptions in the telegraph line v;crc frequent
                but the line was satisfactorily repaired during the year.

                      The Baluchistan Locust Department have, a Locust Assistant
                stationed at Gwadur and the British Agent acts as Tahsil Locust
                      In April a wave of locust infiltrated into Gwadur and
                population rose to a maximum of 9,600 locusts per square mile
                in some areas.
           III. SMALLPOX.

                      There was an outbreak of smallpox in epidemic form during
                the year which resulted in 491 cases and 145 deaths.
                      There was also an outbreak of smallpox at Pishkan and Sur
                which resulted in 150 and 16 eases with 5* and one deaths

           X. AIR FACILITIES.
                      The Aerodrome remained unserviceable during the year.

                      The trade with India continued to be carried on by dhow
                as no steamer of the British India steam Navigation called
                at Gwadur.

                                                    Political Agent, Muscat.
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