Page 477 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 477
Cor Ttehran a fow days after. In tlie meantime a Russian
military officer, under the guise of an inspector of Iran-
Sov-Trans (a Russian transport company), paid a surreptitious
visit to Yesd.a nd contacted sympathisers there. Shortly
aftor, a Russian motor mechanic? who had had a well gxtg.lltthmfc
03ta blished* workshop and gara ge in Isfahan for 10 years gave
up his lucrative business to settle in Yezd in the same busi-
-ness, with his wife and two childcen. In September two more
Russian motor mechanics arrived and settled in Yezd, which is
already well served in this respect, and established motor
repa ir workshops. All the Russians have contact with two
prominent. Russia n muhajirs who are on terms of intimacy with
every prominent-government officia 1 and notable in Yezd. They
seem to have plenty of money and pay their assistants well.
Aftor a protracted absence in Tehran Ustadan suddenly
returned to Yezd in August but set up his Party’s offices in
Ardikan where he disseminated his creed amongst the peasants
in thp surroundin& districts. After collecting a large number
or- supporters amongst- them he opened a bookshop in Yezd at which
communists propaganda material was sold. At the end of the ye-^r
prepa rations for re-opening the Tudeh Party branch office in
Yezd-were wll a dvanced.
His Ha jesty’s Consul, Kerman.