Page 481 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 481

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          having been made to improve it*    The number of schools remained
          the same a3 the previous year*
                 Acial Ahmed Mosanenzadeh ex Acting Governor remained as
          head of the Municipality until the 25th October when]he Proceed­
          ed to Tehran. Aqai Sepehrnia was appointed as              Hea?
          the  Municipality and continued to hold charge until the close
          of the period.

                 But for the almost record incidence of Guinea worm, with
          the resulting ulcers; the year was comparatively healthier. No
          less than 25% of the population suffered from Guinea worm during
          the 2nd quarter of the year.
                 The incidence of malaria was comparatively low
                 Infantile diarrhoea in late summer, and pheumonia at the
          beginning and close of the year were responsible for some deaths.
                 The town was pratically free from serious infections.
                 The Khunji Cotton Spinning Mill continued to function
          day and night throughout the year.
                 Mr. Bullakh the manager of the Hormuz mines was relieved
          of his post by Mohandas Shirani in May, 1945, the former having
          proceeded to Tehran. No red oxide was mined. 1,500 tons of
          red cxide frcm the huge dump of already mined oxide was lifted
          in November by one cf Frank Strick steamers. The affairs of
          the Lines Department were in a complete state of chaos by the
          end cf the year.

                 The factory functioned from the beginning of the year up
          to the middle of June when they closed down for the summer.
          Production was not upto standard. At tifce close, of the year
          there were no signs of restarting work.
                 Despite the cessation of hostilities, prices of essential
          commodities remained high and only the moderately well to do
          were able to obtain their daily needs* The poor lived on fish
          and dates.
                                  V MILITARY.

                . Servan Ghaffari commanded the Garrison in Bandar Abbas
          throughout the year,    The Garrison still maintain its detachments
          at Jask and Ulnab.

                 The Gendarmerie has had no less than six officers during
          the year. Sarwan Allai vacated his post on the 13th July and

          charge until the 24th September when he in turn handed over
                            s£?Jaian* 0n the 2nd October Shojaian relin­
          quished his post which was filled in by Sotvan Sultan All
          Forouzandeh who in turn handed over to Sorwan Khalil Pasha
          Salchshoor on the 8th November, 1345.      Salehshoor was still in
          charge at the dose of the period.
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