Page 480 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 480


                        There continued to bo no other representative at this

                        There was little or no trade with countries other than
                America and Iraq,  Exports coraftM-eed of carpet3, rosebuds and
                 attari.                    C • v' \ i
                              TV T.OCAL GOVERNMENT.
                        Aqai Muzaffari held charge until the 31st January, 1945
                when he was appointed as Governor, Sirjan. Aqai Mosanenzadeh
                was appointed as Acting Governor on February 1st and was reliev­
                ed of his post on September 16th by Aqai Sepehrnia who remained
                in office until the close of the year.
                        Aqai Doroudian was in office until the 6th August when
                he was relieved by Aqai liansoor Qane. The latter held charge
                until the end of the year.
                       Aqai Shafiee remained in charge of this department until
                the 12th April when he was relieved by Aqai Parviz Dayhir. who &
                in turn was cel loved by Aqai Abdullah Moheit cn the 2nd December,
                1945. Aqai Mokeit remained in charge until the close of the

                3AKCPB MILLIE.
                       Aqai Seyed All Ealadi after a tenure of nearly four years
                was at last relieved of hi3 appointment by Aqai ^ahooshi on the
                14th December, 1945. Bahooshi continued as Manager until the
                close of the year. During the period 12th August to 26th Oct­
                ober, Aqai Mohammed Aquil Haciidi officiated as Manager, Eeladi
                having proceeded on leave.
                Aqai Jalal ud din Firuz held charge until the 16th May. From
                the 16th May to the 22nd June the post was vacant and was sub­
                sequently filled in by Aqai Mutasharyia who was suspended on
                December 6th and the post remained vacant once core until the
                close of the year.
                       Naib (2) Seyed Kamel Kameli handed over charge of this
               department to Rasadban All Akbar Dejhbaksh on the 8th January.
               Dejhbaksh remained as Chief of the Police until the end of the
               POST AND TELEGRAPH?.
                       Aqai Mohammed All Qalnl was relieved by Aqai Qassea
               Lobashirl on the 22r.d October and the latter renmlnod in office
               until the close of the year.
                      Aqai Pezeohkl, except for the period 22ad Juno to 8th
               8cpter,bor rhen Inn 1 llorchadi vis. in charge temporarily f rccninod
               In cfflco throughout tho year. niGht Schools aro non
               cr-'l tho otasdard of education rc-ulna vory low no offertn
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